I like to start of this blog by saying a MASSIVE thank you to Kimmyshere for helping me set this up. I'm not very computer illiterate and would have taken double, if not triple, the time to get this thing started. I asked the question, why blog? The answer I was given convinced me to start blogging! So here I am and this is what I'll be doing. I will treat this as my virtual diary to share my stories with family and friends and whomever else that wants to listen to me babble on!. My achievements, my failures, I will share it all. I think it is a fantastic idea to look back on this page a decade into the future and compare life as it is now and to see how much everything has changed. I will document my purchases and how much things will cost me. All in all this will be my virtual diary and my time capsule!
Ok so here's some info about me. I'm in my late 20's and a proud parent of my beautiful 11 year old daughter (can't imagine life without her). I work for the largest telecommunication company in Australia. I came to this wonderous country when I was a mere 2 years of age. We came over as refugees. I couldn't see myself living anywhere else in the world but here! I LOVE AUSTRALIA! I have a small intimate circle of friends who you'll get to know in future blogs. I won't say too much more... I'll let this blog tell the rest of my story...
Hellooooooooooooo! Is anybody out there?
Under construction!
Thanks to Kimmysphere this blog is now underway! Although it is still under construction and i will go live shortly!
Watch this space!!! LOL!! Blahahhah